Innovation and Sustainability in the new Tourism Routes
Innovation and Sustainability in the new Tourism Routes
14 October, 2022

Innovation and Sustainability in the new Tourism Routes

«Καινοτομία και Βιωσιμότητα στις νέες Διαδρομές του Τουρισμού | Innovation and Sustainability in the new Tourism Routes»

Forum at the Cultural Polycentre of the Municipality of Heraklion

Address: Androgeo, Heraklion Crete 712 02

On December 10, 2022


The aim of the event is to inform the local community, the business world and local bodies about the activities that can be implemented on the island of Crete. Through those activities, 3win Action organization will contribute to the common benefit and the quality of life of the local community by supporting tourism-related entrepreneurship.

By transforming research results into innovative products and services, we aim to exploit cultural heritage, link the primary sector's production and agri-food sector with tourism, and highlight businesses that use best and innovative practices.


Please follow the link for the full program.







3win Action aims to organise actions that will contribute to knowledge sharing and social, environmental and economic sustainability.