Policies and actions for the environment and sustainability.
For the longest time in human history, the earth seemed vast, with unlimited natural resources. Nowadays, it is totally clear that natural resources are limited, and the rate of their destruction is quite considerable alarming.
The rapidly growing population of the planet and the increase of the living standards of its eight billion inhabitants, create huge pressure on nature. The biggest consequence of over-consumption of resources is climate change, which is one of the worst threats that the planet has ever faced.
The majority of scientists agree that human activities burden the atmosphere, the environment and the climate. There is no doubt that the economic growth model, followed globally is not sustainable. Therefore, it is imperative need, to move decisively all the mechanisms of modern society in order to succeed a long-term, sustainable development.
Sustainable Development aims to improve living conditions of mankind, while preserving the environment not only in short term but mainly in the long run. The definition of Sustainable Development was adopted at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), also known as the 'Earth Summit', that was held in Rio de Janeiro, in June 1992. According to the conference, the term sustainable development, is defined as "..the development, which meets the needs of current generations, without endangering the ability of future generations to satisfy their own needs..".
This principle states that human intervention in the environment must take place in a way that ensures a balanced relationship between the exploitation of natural resources and the evolution of ecosystems, for the sake of next generations. Its purpose, therefore, is to create a model of economic growth that will ensure a permanent ecological balance. Sustainability is a dynamic process based on three "pillars": Economy, society and environment. The conference aims to provide a forum for discussion among researchers, entrepreneurs and policy decision makers regarding the latest news about climate change, regulatory issues and actions for sustainable development, contributing to knowledge sharing.
3win Action 2022
Date: 11th of March 2023
Venue: Public Vocational Institute of Agios Dimitrios | 10:00 -19:00
Deadline for submission of papers:
Conference registration opens on:
The 3rd Conference on “Policies and Practices for Environmental Protection & Sustainability” is organized by the 3win Action. It brings together multidisciplinary researchers, policy makers, professionals, fellows, practitioners and stakeholders to explore some of the more pressing issues concerning the Environmental Protection.
I. Policies on Environmental Protection
II. Practices in Environmental Protection
The conference will focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on Environmental Protection in different fields, i.e. tourism, culture, sustainable development.
At the same time, the event is intended to cover topics of research ready for exploitation, demonstrating the acceptability of new sustainable approaches and new technologies by the user community, owners, managers and conservators of the Environmental Protection.
Submissions for the event are completely electronic through the online submission on the conference’s email3wincongress@gmail.com
The conference accepts only original, unpublished work written in English which will be blind-reviewed and published by the prestigious Lambert Publishing.
You can contribute by theoretical and Project Research papers: presenting new innovative research developments and results. They will feature a full-length oral presentation and will be published in a high-quality LAMBERT proceedings volume.